Natural Remedies of Wheatgrass - Neutralise Naturals
Natural remediesof wheat grass

Natural Remedies of Wheatgrass – Neutralise Naturals

Wheat grass remedies

Introduction of Natural Wheatgrass:

Wheatgrass is natural and low in calories and high in nutrients,the nutritional value of wheatgrass depends on many factors including pH, light exposure and temperature during growth, and when it was harvested and alsoincluding antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E, and minerals, such as selenium, zinc, and iron. Antioxidants are chemicals that fight free radicals in the body. Here you know, what health benefits wheatgrass have and in how many ways you can in-take wheatgrass

Introduction of Hydrophonic Natural Wheat Grass:

Hyphonic wheatgrass is developed hydroponically, where seeds are drenched and sprouted prior to being spread onto plate loaded up with water or a supplement rich arrangement rather than soil. These plate are put in a controlled climate with suitable light, stickiness, and temperature. The wheatgrass assimilates supplements straightforwardly from the water, permitting it to quickly develop. Customary moistening or watering guarantees it stays hydrated. Normally, inside 7-10 days, the wheatgrass arrives at around 6-7 crawls in level and is fit to be collected. This technique advances quicker development, better returns, and reliable quality, using space and assets productively.

Let’s know In-Depth on Natural Wheatgrass with Roots

Wheatgrass is derived from the tender shoots of the wheat plant and with roots. It is celebrated for its high concentration of vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds. Here’s a look at what makes wheatgrass so nutritionally potent:


Vitamin A: Supports eye health and immune function.

Vitamin C: Acts as a powerful antioxidant and boosts immunity.

Vitamin E: Promotes skin health and protects cells from damage.

Vitamin K: Essential for blood clotting and bone health.

B Vitamins: Including B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), and B9 (folate), which aid in energy production and cellular function.


Calcium: Important for bone health and muscle function.

Iron: Crucial for oxygen transport in the blood.

Magnesium: Supports muscle and nerve function, and energy production.

Phosphorus: Vital for healthy bones and teeth.

Potassium: Helps regulate fluid balance, muscle contractions, and nerve signals.

Zinc: Essential for immune function and wound healing.


Learn about the powerful antioxidants in wheatgrass, like flavonoids and phenolic acids, which help combat oxidative stress and inflammation.


Explore the benefits of chlorophyll, known for its detoxifying properties and ability to boost red blood cell


Extra Benefits with Hydrophonic Natural Wheatgrass with Roots

Hydrophonic wheatgrass is known as Aqua-farming wheatgrass, which is developed without soil utilizing supplement rich water, offers a few advantages because of the controlled developing climate and supplement accessibility. Here are a portion of the upsides of tank-farming wheatgrass:


  • Hydrophonic wheatgrass is plentiful in nutrients (A, C, E, and K), minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium), amino acids, proteins, and chlorophyll, like generally developed wheatgrass.

Controlled Environment:

  • The aquaculture technique considers exact command over the developing circumstances, bringing about predictable quality and supplement content. Factors like light, temperature, and supplement levels can be enhanced for the best development.

Purity and Cleanliness:

  • Developing wheatgrass hydroponically decreases the gamble of soil-borne pollutants and pesticides. This technique likewise guarantees a cleaner item as it is less presented to outer contaminations.

Enhanced Development Rate:

  • Aquaculture frameworks can speed up the development of wheatgrass by giving direct admittance to fundamental supplements, frequently bringing about quicker collect times contrasted with soil-developed wheatgrass.

Water Efficiency:

  • Aqua-farming frameworks use water more productively than customary soil cultivating. The water is recycled and reused, diminishing the general water utilization expected to develop wheatgrass.

Year-Round Production:

  • Aqua-farming frameworks can be utilized inside, taking into consideration all year creation paying little heed to outer weather patterns. This guarantees a predictable inventory of new wheatgrass.

Higher Yield:

  • The streamlined circumstances in aqua-farming frameworks frequently lead to more significant returns of wheatgrass per unit region contrasted with conventional soil techniques.

Space Efficiency:

  • Aquaculture arrangements can be upward, expanding space utilization. This is especially gainful in metropolitan conditions or regions with restricted rural land.

Reduced Pesticide Use:

The controlled climate limits the requirement for pesticides, prompting a more natural and restorative item.

Improved Flavor and Texture:

  • Many find that hydroponically developed wheatgrass has a more predictable flavor and delicate surface because of the controlled developing circumstances.

Environmental Sustainability:

  • Tank-farming cultivating diminishes the requirement for enormous scope land clearing and soil interruption, adding to a more manageable horticultural practice.

In general, tank-farming wheatgrass holds similar dietary advantages as customarily developed wheatgrass, while offering extra benefits with regards to virtue, effectiveness, and manageability.

Natural Remedies of Wheatgrass

“Natural Remedies of Wheatgrass,” where we explore the incredible health benefits and versatile uses of wheatgrass. Hydrophonic wheatgrass have extra advantage, we can use roots also in remedy. It gives more effective results than soiled grown wheatgrass.

wheatgrass natural remdeies

1. Wheatgrass Juice

Wheatgrass water juice remedy is used to Boosting your Immunity and reduces Inflammation. Consume 1-2 ounces of freshly squeezed wheatgrass juice daily.

Benefits: Wheatgrass juice is rich in vitamins C and E, chlorophyll, and antioxidants, which help strengthen the immune system and protect against infections. The anti-inflammatory properties of wheatgrass help reduce inflammation in the body, which can alleviate symptoms of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

2. Wheatgrass Smoothie

Whetagrass Smoothie is used for Detoxification. It detoxifies your body and it flush outs all the impurities. Blend 1-2 ounces of wheatgrass juice with your favorite fruits and vegetables to make a detox smoothie. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.

Benefits: Wheatgrass is known for its detoxifying properties, helping to cleanse the liver, kidneys, and blood, removing toxins from the body.

3. Wheatgrass Powder

Wheatgrass powder is used to Improving Digestion. In wheatgrass we have fibre it helps for digestion and constipation. Mix 1 teaspoon of wheatgrass powder in water, juice, or a smoothie and consume it daily.

Benefits: Wheatgrass contains enzymes that aid in digestion, relieve constipation, and support a healthy gut microbiome.

4. Wheatgrass Face Mask

Wheatgrass face mask is used to Enhancing Skin Health. It deletes all the dead cellsand gives freshness and smoothens skin. Mix wheatgrass powder with water or aloe vera gel to create a paste. Apply it to your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.

Benefits: The antioxidants and vitamins in wheatgrass help to rejuvenate the skin, reduce acne, and promote a healthy, glowing complexion.

5. Wheatgrass Poultice(Paste)

Wheatgrass paste is used to Treating Fungal Infections and also for pigmentation,aches and pimples.Blend fresh wheatgrass with a small amount of water to make a paste. Apply the paste directly to the affected area and cover with a clean bandage. Leave it on for several hours or overnight. Repeat daily until the infection clears.

Benefits: Wheatgrass has antifungal and antibacterial properties that help treat fungal infections such as athlete’s foot, ringworm, and nail fungus.

6. Wheatgrass Rinse

Wheatgrass Rinse is used to Promoting Hair Health and it is also helps to treat any scalp infection in the hair. Mix wheatgrass juice with water and use it as a final rinse after shampooing. Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly with water.

Benefits: Wheatgrass can help strengthen hair follicles, reduce dandruff, and promote shiny, healthy hair.

7. Wheatgrass Mouthwash

Wheatgrass mouth wash is used to Enhancing Oral Health. It helps to reduce to mouthulcers and kill bacteria. Mix wheatgrass juice with a small amount of water and use it as a mouthwash. Swish it around your mouth for a few minutes before spitting it out.

Benefits: Wheatgrass helps to kill bacteria, reduce bad breath, and promote healthy gums.

8. Wheatgrass Energy Shot

Wheatgrass energyshot is used to Alleviating Fatigue. If you feel uncomfortable or feeling uneasy or feeling likefood undigested you can take this shot. Take a 1-2 ounce shot of wheatgrass juice when feeling tired or sluggish.

Benefits: The high nutrient content of wheatgrass provides a natural energy boost and improves overall vitality.

Natural Tender/Fresh Wheatgrass with Roots:

Tender wheatgrass with roots is avilable at our store hyderabad. It can be refrigarate for 6 to 7 days. Any remedy with this wheatgrass is effcetively works on your body and gives best results. Tender wheatgrass with roots purifies blood and it helps to cure skin problems.

Our Neutralise Naturals wheatgrass products are specially manfactures with wheatgrass with roots and more natural ingrediants to make skin more moist and smooth.

Neutralise Naturals

Nationally Neutralise Naturals is the first manfactural company to grow wheat grass and manfactures wheatgrass products. Globally Neutralise Naturals is Second. It is india’s first wheatgrass powder with roots, grow in a hygienic, hyphonic soil-free process.

wheat grass natural remedies

Wheat Sprout Grass Sprout Powder with Roots:

Wheatgrass Powder is made from fresh, tender wheatgrass shoots and roots, Wheatgrass powder is a potent and versatile superfood. Grass harvested when the wheatgrass length is 7-10 inches and dry them on a clean surface and finally grind into powder. This wheatgrass is grown in a method called hydropolic method. Wheatgrass powder with roots is only possible, if the wheatgrass is hydrophonic wheatgrass.

Wheatgrass Soap:

Wheatgrass soap have Wheatgrass, Cow butter, Herbs, Vegetable Oil, Aroma Therapy Oils. Cow butter makes skin moist for long time. Herbs cleanse the skin, removing dirt, vegtable oil give effective skin exfoliation and moisturizing effects and aromatherapy oils improved sleep, mental clarity, and reduced stress and anxiety as well as fighting bacteria, viruses, and fungi .

Wheatgrass moisturiser:

Wheatgrass Moisturiser have Wheatgrass with roots, Cocoa butter, Shea butter, cow butter. Cow butter makes skin moist for long time. Shea butter has high concentrations of fatty acids and vitamins and it helps to softening skin and Cocoa butter has fantastic moisturising qualities that nourish and protect the skin. This butter gives more hydration that doesn’t feel greasy or sticky.

Wheatgrass Shampoo:

Wheatgrass Shampoo have Wheatgrass, coconut oil, desi cow butter, herbs like hibiscus, amla, soapnut & shikakai and SLS. coconut oil good for scalp and also moisturizes your hair. Cow butter makes your hair feeling soft and moisturized. Hibiscus rich in essential nutrients and vitamins that strengthen hair follicles, stimulate hair growth and prevent hair fall. Shikakai and Soapnuts works as a natural cleanser without washing away essential oils ans SLS is helps to repair the break hair.

Wheatgrass Facewash:

Wheatgrass Facewash have wheatgrass with roots, cowbutter and essential oils. Cow butter makes your hair feeling soft and moisturized. Essentials oils hepls to repair your skin cells and produces fresh cells

To eliminate the probability of mold infestation, powder form is recommended:

  • Wheatgrass powder is convenient to store and can be used in a variety of ways.  
  • An ideal powder dosage is 3-5 grams or 1 tsp. 
  • Use Wheatgrass for at least 6-12 months, although results can vary from person to person. 


Stomach acid can cause loss of some of the bioactivity. Therefore, holding the liquid in your mouth for a minute or 2 before swallowing allows rapid absorption of the bioactives into the bloodstream. pH of blood is 7.4, pH of Wheatgrass juice is 7.4 , hence it is rapidly absorbed. 


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